Monday, December 15, 2008


We see the recent terrorist attack on Mumbai rather we say invasion on India and the whole world see that how far India‘s safety and security are strong. First we see that Mumbai was and we may say still now strong enough to counter the terrorist with neither modern weapons nor trained personnel to repeal the terrorist’s attacks in a planned way, though the government spend millions for it. The bullet-proof jacket, provided to the security personnel, we see, it was also below standard, though it was previously pointed out by expert. Despite it was accepted by the government and paid for it, as per the news bulletin, though Mumbai facing serial terrorist attacks since 1993. Resulting lives of three high level police officers. To coup with ten terrorists-but can Taj be controlled by only two terrorist -do its to be believed, it took about 3 days, resulting so many valuable lives and enormous damage in our country.. It took many hours to land NSG in Mumbai due to non-availability of sophisticated air transport.

We the Indian saw the safety and security position of MUMBAI in recent terrorist attack rather we may say safety and security position of India. The role of intelligence, Indian Navy and police on which government spend crore & crore rupees. In this position we may not blame Police because they are not yet provided sophisticated weapons, communication systems, vehicle etc to coup up with the sudden attacks.

Now, I, as an Indian, may raised a question? Do now Government has take any action against those who accepted and paid for low quality BULLET-PROOF JACKET? What step has been taken against the coast-guard on duty and sea police who failed to perform their duty to stop the terrorist’s entry through sea. Every time we see that government, after such type of incidents, declared that proper precaution has been taken and no such incident will occur again and we, every Indian saw the serious attacks on us are pouring regularly and government statement now proper step has been taken to stop further terrorist attacks and again it happened again such statement come.

The above loop whole on India’s safety and security are a very little and few examples and there are many loopholes from the government side are remain to be pointed out further and we now strongly believe on the existence of GOD-or ultimately a third power, on whose grace Indians are still safe.


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